Membership of a good Beekeeping Association is essential for both new and experienced beekeepers alike. Guildford Beekeepers Association strives to create conditions where our members can be kept up to date with new and current best practice and enjoy each other’s company, experience, and knowledge at the same time.

In addition to the benefits listed below, our members have a wealth of knowledge and experience which is readily made available to new and recently-joined members, either by phone or email. We also have a “WhatsApp” group for quick communication and advice.

If you are interested in membership please contact [email protected].

Benefits of Membership

  • Affiliation to the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) which represents beekeepers at a national and international level.
  • Receipt of the monthly magazine “BBKA News”, the official journal of the British Beekeepers Association.
  • Affiliation to Surrey Beekeepers Association (SBKA) which links us to the other seven divisions of Surrey; Epsom, Weybridge, Farnham, Reigate, Wimbledon, Kingston and Croydon.
  • Receipt of the Monthly magazine “Beecraft”, an award winning, national magazine that provides valuable information to all beekeepers. Through SBKA, Guildford BKA are shareholders of Beecraft and receive it at preferential rates.
  • Receipt of Guildford Beekeepers Association’s own monthly Newsletter, giving details of future events, topical information, and your opportunity to air your news and views.
  • Automatic insurance cover for 3 hives and cover for third-party & product liability. See below for further details.
  • Members have access to our hire equipment for extracting, at a nominal fee.
  • A welcome to all the activities, informative talks and events organised by the Guildford Division as well as the other Divisions of Surrey Beekeepers Association.
  • Weekly meetings during the season at the Guildford Division Apiary.
  • Access to many social events throughout the year.
  • Friendship and help from fellow beekeepers of Guildford Division at every level including for new beekeepers

Several different membership categories are available,
Full Member (Registered), Partner Member (family member residing at the same address as a Full member), Junior, Trainee (attending GBKA’s theory or practical courses), Associate, Friend (non-beekeeper).

For more information, current subscription rates and a membership form, please contact the Membership Secretary at: [email protected]

Many members are able to ask for their subscriptions to be treated as Gift Aid. As Surrey Beekeepers Association (Guildford Division) is a registered charity (Number 1026386) tax paid can be reclaimed, which greatly aids our finances.

Insurance is provided by Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd. This covers 3 colonies, frames, combs, excluders, crown boards, some honey and the queen in the event they have to be destroyed under the Bee Diseases Control Order, 1982. BDI is a non-profit making insurance society formed under the Industrial & Provident Societies Acts. Beekeepers with more hives (40 plus) can insure direct and insurance is also available from organisations like Bee farmers for other risks such as occupational injury to employees.

Members of the BBKA are also insured with the London & Edinburgh Insurance Co Ltd. for public liability arising from their beekeeping activities and this includes their product liability. The BBKA can also offer an ‘All Risks’ scheme to cover apiary equipment, cups, trophies and beekeeping tools to maximum insured value of £5000.00.