Apiary Sessions

From 1st March 2024 weekly sessions will be held at the Association Apiary at Birtley, 10:30 – 12:30 – everyone is welcome to attend. The schedule below gives dates of extra interest but if further information is required then please contact me.
Susan Kimber [email protected]

Upcoming Apiary Sessions

02/06/2024 GBKA Open Day
26/06/2024 BBKA Basic Assessments
04/07/2024 BBKA Basic Assessments
06/07/2024 Taster Session

GBKA Courses

Honey Bee Health Certificate

Important reminder – your bees would thank you for more knowledge!

As we had good success with candidates taking and passing the BBKA Honey Bee Health assessment last year, we’re planning to offer training again in 2024. The syllabus is on the BBKA website.
If you would like to increase your knowledge of honeybee health, pests and diseases do get in touch. You can attend the educational sessions without taking the assessment, but you need to have passed the BBKA Basic Assessment to take the Honey Bee Health Certificate.

I will run some sessions on zoom and have some practise sessions at the apiary. The assessment itself is usually held between May and July so you have plenty of time if you would like to have a chat and see what is involved before committing. The application to take the assessment must be submitted during April.

Do let me know if you would be interested. (Email address below)
Jacqueline Tolley [email protected]

BBKA Courses

The BBKA run a number of courses which are very popular

Online Learning and Training

The address of the BBKA Learning Platform is https://learning.bbka.org.uk/

For more information and to book places, please visit the shop on the BBKA website