Guildford Beekeepers has a full programme of events during the year.
Apart from its weekly meetings at the Bramley Apiary on Saturdays during the Spring, Summer, and Autumn there are many social events.

See below for our current programme which is added to on a regular basis.

Apiary Sessions – GBKA members only

From October fortnightly sessions, with one themed session per month, will be held at the Association Apiary at Birtley. Everyone is welcome to attend all sessions; the barn is open from 10:15 so that we can start any work in the apiary at 10:30 am. Once completed we aim to sit down with some refreshments and start the talk/discussions between 11:15 – 11:30, finishing around 12:30. If further information is required then please contact me.
Susan Kimber [email protected]

Upcoming Apiary Sessions – GBKA members only

5/10/2024 Apiary Session
19/10/2024 Apiary Session – Vertical Splits and Two Q Hives – David Parker
2/11/2024 Apiary Session
16/10/2024 Apiary Session – Colony increase and decrease
30/11/2024 Apiary Session
14/12/2024 Apiary Session – Keeping Colonies Healthy, Comb Change
28/12/2024 Apiary Session

GBKA Courses – GBKA members only

Study Group – BBKA Module 2

For the past couple of years, I’ve led study groups aimed at the Bee Health Certificate and the BBKA Module 3 written exam. It’s time for a change. So, starting in November, I’m proposing to run a study group looking at Module 2 (Honey Bee Products and Forage). Have a look at the contents on the BBKA exams page. I think it’s useful to help with producing quality products, knowing the times and factors affecting nectar production, why honey ferments etc.

If you are interested do let me know. There’s no obligation to take the exam, you can just join in and increase your knowledge. What we do is target the reading for each meeting, held on Zoom, towards a couple of related sections of the syllabus and look at questions from past exam papers to see what you’ve learnt.

While looking at the syllabi on the BBKA website do look at the other modules; Module 6 is another interesting one – behaviour associated with swarming, foraging, queen and drone behaviour. Or if there is any module that you would like to learn more about then let me know and, dependent on the interest, I could change the module or schedule it for the following year.

Do get in touch if you’re interested or have any questions. All levels are welcome. (Email address below)

Jacqueline Tolley [email protected]

BBKA Courses – BBKA Members Only

The BBKA run a number of courses which are very popular

Online Learning and Training

The address of the BBKA Learning Platform is

For more information and to book places, please visit the shop on the BBKA website

Annual General Meeting – GBKA Members Only

AGM – 2024

WHEN: Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 7.30pm

WHERE: Jacobs Well Village Hall, Jacobs Well Road, GU4 7PD

The short formal proceedings will be followed by a talk entitled

‘Everything about Honey’ by Peter Smith

Beekeeper Training – open to all

For anyone considering becoming a beekeeper it is essential to do both a Theory and a Practical Course. Guildford Beekeepers Association (GBKA) has been running both Theory and Practical Courses for many years and our experience in this field is exemplary. We take pride in providing a solid grounding in the craft so that beginners have the confidence to manage bees on their own. Trainees are further supported by automatic membership with GBKA during the course, with access to the Association Apiary at weekends. When the trainees acquire their bees, there is a mentoring scheme through which they can contact a more experienced member to help them through the first years.