Guildford Beekeepers has a full programme of events during the year.
Apart from its weekly meetings at the Association Apiary on Saturdays during the Spring, Summer, and Autumn there are many social events.
See below for our current programme which is added to on a regular basis.
Monday 2nd June @ 19:45
Hosted by Wimbledon BKA – The Snuff Mill, Morden, London SM4 5JD
Free parking at the venue (and tea and biscuits)
Steve Riley is the author of the book “The Honey Bee Solution to Varroa” and a member of the “Path to Varroa-resistance in the UK” team, led by Emeritus Professor Stephen Martin.
Friday 28th March 19:30 – 21:00
Hosted by Croydon BKA, Hebron Hall, Christchurch, Brighton Road, Purley CR8 2BN
Norman has been keeping bees for over forty years and has been a bee research scientist for thirty. He has lectured about bees on all continents where bees are kept, written many scientific papers, book chapters, conference contributions and popular articles, has edited several books and regularly appears in the media in many countries.
A large part of his research work focuses on the genetic lineage of our native honeybee. He is part of several initiatives that monitor winter losses, the success of both managed and feral colonies, as well as trying to understand the genetic make-up of our bees and how that might lend them success. His talk to the CBKA will cover all this and more. For example, how much better do locally adapted bees overwinter? What impact do introduced queens and nucs have on the gene pool? Should we be importing bees to help improve our stock?
Come along to this free event and find answers to all these questions and more. There will, of course, be refreshments and chat with fellow beekeepers afterwards.
Tickets are free but are available to book via Eventbrite in order to keep the numbers to a comfortable level. We look forward to seeing you there and to having some tea and chat afterwards.’
From October fortnightly sessions, with one themed session per month, will be held at the Association Apiary near Bramley. Everyone is welcome to attend all sessions; the barn is open from 10:15 so that we can start any work in the apiary at 10:30 am. Once completed we aim to sit down with some refreshments and start the talk/discussions between 11:15 – 11:30, finishing around 12:30. If further information is required then please contact me.
Susan Kimber [email protected]
14/12/2024 | General Apiary Session |
28/12/2024 | General Apiary Session |
11/01/2025 | Beginners’ Theory Course Session 1, General Apiary Session |
25/01/2025 | Apiary Session – Keeping Colonies Healthy, Comb Change |
08/02/2025 | General Apiary Session |
22/02/2025 | General Apiary Session – Asian Hornet Action – Rebecca (GBKA AH Lead) |
01/03/2025 | Beginners’ Theory Course Session 8 |
08/03/2025 | Beginners’ Theory Course Session 9, General Apiary Session |
22/03/2025 | General Apiary Session |
05/04/2025 | General Apiary Session |
12/04/2025 | General Apiary Session – Nosema Testing |
Would you like to learn how to (intentionally) rear your own Queens ?
We are planning to run a course this year.
Details are yet to be finalised but to give you an idea…
Format will be:
The course will be open to members who hold the BBKA Basic certificate
Cost £20
Numbers will be restricted but a 2nd course is possible, depending on demand
If you might interested, please email
Mel : [email protected]
Or Jacqueline Tolley: [email protected]
Is anyone interested in a bee disease microscopy course?
Proposed date and venue:
Birtley apiary barn
March 29th 10.30 – 1pm
(to be confirmed)
Cost £10
Numbers will be restricted so please let me know of your interest in the first instance.
Is anyone who has passed the Basic and will have at least 3 years experience of keeping bees, interested in studying for the Honey Bee Health certificate?
This is a link to the BBKA page:
This shows you the syllabus. It’s like a more involved ‘Basic’. Applications would have to be in by the end of April, for assessment later in the Summer. If you might possibly be interested, or just want to know more, let me know. I’ll arrange a zoom session to have a chat about it. Training would involve a few zoom sessions in April/May along with a couple of practical sessions. We should be able to ask for assessments in June or July.
To find out more or express interest, contact me on:
Jacqueline Tolley [email protected]
Tel: 07776230092
The address of the BBKA Learning Platform is
For more information and to book places, please visit the shop on the BBKA website
For anyone considering becoming a beekeeper it is essential to do both a Theory and a Practical Course. Guildford Beekeepers Association (GBKA) has been running both Theory and Practical Courses for many years and our experience in this field is exemplary. We take pride in providing a solid grounding in the craft so that beginners have the confidence to manage bees on their own. Trainees are further supported by automatic membership with GBKA during the course, with access to the Association Apiary at weekends. When the trainees acquire their bees, there is a mentoring scheme through which they can contact a more experienced member to help them through the first years.